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Introducing the Economic Development Group of Melal

Melal Economy Group (a privately held company) primarily called Toos Omid Amin was registered with the Registration Office of Tehran’s Companies and Institutions on 9/22/2010 with the registered number 385132 in order to optimally mange some of Melal Credit Institution’s assets. This company, was renamed to “Melal Economy Group" on 12/ 30/2016 and with direct and indirect investment in 8 macroeconomic fields related to the subject activity is taking steps to develop our beloved homeland...

Areas of investment


province name Number of projects
Alborz 2
Ardabil 1
Fars 1
Gilan 4
Golestan 2
Isfahan 3
Kerman 7
Kermanshah 1
Khorasan North 2
Khorasan Razavi 7
Khuzestan 3
Markazi 1
Tehran 6

News and Announcements
